Antibiotic therapy after ACL reconstruction surgery: A nterior cruciate ligament Reconstruction is complex but relatively very less invasive surgical procedure mostly performed by arthoscopy. Open surgery are also performed depending upon the extent of injury . When ever there is a surgical procedure antibiotics are very essential in order to prevent from an infection. The antibiotic therapy differs according to the state of patient , treatment protocol of the physician and outcome of the treatment. In Bangladesh , surgeons usually follow antibiotic protocol in following way: 1. One day before the surgery patient is admitted to the hospital for the anesthesia fitness test and antibiotic prophylaxis. Loading does Antibiotic prophylaxis of cefixime is given 12 hours before the surgery intravenous followed by anti-tetanus intramuscular injection. 2. Just before surgery the maintenance does of cefixime is given intravenously. This assure no any possibilities...
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