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8 Weight Loss Lazy hacks

We all know how difficult it can be to lose weight. Hours and hours on trademill is the last thing we would like to do. Unless you are obese , the gym won't be the last option for the weight loss. And good news for the lazy peoples , weight loss can be very easy if you apply little hacks in your life. It is very easy , you need some dedication and patience for this. Slow and gradual weight loss are always most beneficial and long lasting. There is no Amy risk of rebound weight gain too.

Easy weight loss hacks :

1. Smaller plates

According to some trusted researches if you use smaller plates than the regular you consume 30 % less food. You also don't have to worry about portion control , when you don't have enough space on the plate for the food.

2.No lifts or Escalator

We are the only species to walk on two foots. So, god clearly gave us those legs to walk around . so , why not to use them? Walking is the best exercise for weight loss. A 30 minute of foot will prevent you from the heart disease , improves your circulation and aids better digestion. So avoid lift and escalators and take stairs.

3. Take away

You favourite restaurant may serve you the best food but they also adds extra calories to your body. Usually , outside foods are unhealthy too .
Next time when you are out for foods , make sure you ask your server to pack half of your foods. This is how you control your portion. You can eat the take away at any next meal of the day . Fair deal , right ?

4.Eat eggs

Eggs are easily available , cheap and you can prepare in many ways. The best thing about egg is it has very fair share of protein and good fat. It makes you full and further won't exaggerate to eat more foods. It is low on calories just giving around 80 calories a peace . so don't forget to include egg in your diet plan.

5.Replace every drink for water

Water covers 75% of earth and our body constitutes 70% water. You gain a lot of calories from the soda , fruit juice , your favourite coffee. There is better idea to aid your weight loss , replace every your drinks love with water . If you drink 2 glass of water  half hour before meal , then you consume less food. Less food less calories more weight loss , just simple maths.

6.Sleep and Sleep

A proper good night sleep is very essential for healthy life. And weight loss is only not about foods you eat or the flow of sweats in the gym , its about the hormones too. When you lack enough sleep the stress hormones are released and it causes glycogenesis which causes excess accumulation of fat. So , you can sleep and get your desire body then just get a bed.

7. Skip meals

Some  say you don't lose weight by slipping meals. But recent study suggests that skipping meals have potential health benefits. The most working one is skipping dinner . We eat dinner and directly go to sleep. So , your body won't utilize all the food and you'll have excess store to add weight gain. When you skip meals your body energy store depletes body stores and uses fat to survive. Don't just skip all the meals , just one meal a day.

8. Intermittent fasting

Well this might not be quite familiar topic but this actually works. In intermittent fasting you are not allowed to eat for certain interval like 14 to 18 hours and you eat all meal in the remaining 6 to 8 hours. What happens in this time is your body uses all glycogen and no longer far are formed. It does not have negative health effect. But the patient with gastritis needs to take certain precautions. In the time of fasting you are allowed to rake zero calorie drinks like coffee , water and green tea.

Well guys , the most important things is to stay motivated and being committed to what are we doing. Good luck and stay healthy.


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