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Fever and When You Need To Worry About


Fever is another name for the high temperature , it is not an ilness but might be the major sign of ilness , symptom of an underlying condition and most probably any infection you have acquired.

You feel  the signs of fever when you sense discomfort in performing routine physical activities and if its not sign of disease then people feel back to normal again when its treated.
In medical term , fever implies when your body temperature exceeds the normal and reach 100 degree Farenheit or above. 

Accourding to different research , fever is natural defense against the foreign infection to the body. So , its a good thing for the body.

Is fever dangersous?

Everyone of us suffer from fever time and again. It usually cure on its own. But hyperthermia might be a dangerous sign and it can cause severe dehydration and organ failure. Fever can be of diiferent type accourding to mode of onset and features.
Types of fever are :

The fever perists for all the time. If the body temperature persists abouve 98.6 degree F.
2. Intermittent 
The periodic appearane of the fever for certain time and again fever disappears.
3.Rumittent fever 
In this case fever fluctuates more than  2 degree celcius but never touches the baseline.

When should you seek for doctor in case of fever?
1. Looks very much ill.
2. Is very much drowsy.
3.Is having fever repeatedly , time and often.
4.Has history of episodes of seizures.
5.does not get well after over the counter drug in few days.
Cause of fever:

Temperature center is located in hypothalamus in our brain.It regulates the body temperature. Fever is protective mechanism , that body responds to those which evades our bodys immune system..
The Most common response includes:
1. Common infections that includes cold , sore throat.
2. Gastroenteritis
3.Infection of ear , skin , bladder.
4.Inflammatory conditions.
6.After immunizaion

Tropical Disease causing fever:

1. Malaria
2. Typhoid 
4.Lyme disease
5.Rocky mountain spotted fever

Sometimes fever is of unknown origin typically called as PYREXIA OF UNKNOWS ORIGIN

How do you treat case of fever? 
 Home treatment: It is done by placing cold tower in the forhead , axilla and body surface.

Some fever can be treated by the drugs such as Paracetamol and Acetaminophen. Fever arising due to infection are treated by antibiotics. 


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